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"Finally, pegging the scary meter is the Haunted Shadows Lake Trail in The Colony. This is definitely for older kids. It’s sort of a Blair Witch Projectstyle trail walk through the woods and weeds along the shore of Lake Lewisville in The Colony. Your group is given a flashlight to pick your way through the dark,winding, marked trail …and (CUE SCARY MUSIC) to illuminate the various creatures that you’ll meet along the way…the Lady of the Lake, a werewolf or two, and the undead in the Lakeside Cemetery. BAH HAHAHA!!! Isn’t Halloween fun? "

Haunted Shadows Lake Trail winds its way through a sprawling expanse of North Texas prairie and gnarled trees, and skirts the eastern edge of Lake Lewisville. The ambiance of this trail (I recommend you go on a cool night with a fat, chalky moon in the sky) makes up a significant portion of its thrill factor. It's not difficult, as you scuttle along through the stunted trees, your wan little flashlight poorly stabbing into the darkness, to imagine the absolute worst. Every crackle of dead leaves underfoot, every snap of dry branches, even the occasional bonus howl of coyotes seems to be a portent of doom . . . But the fun kind, of course. Haunted Shadows doesn't claim to have a plethora of animatronics or detailed scenes; however, it doesn't need to. This haunt is high on my list of must-sees due to the primal fear that one feels as you are pursued through the forest by several shadowy creatures. There are, at the trail, several notable scenes, including two smallish structures that you must go through. If you have seen the Blair Witch Project, you likely have a good idea of the feel of these places. There is also a particularly ingenious use of large trash cans in the haunt. I won't spoil the surprise, but it is the best in the trail. All in all, Haunted Shadows Lake Trail is an event that is suitable for families and, of course, the adventurous teen. Tickets are reasonable and the entire experience lasts about 45 minutes, on the healthy side for haunted attractions these days. As a haunted attraction, the Lake Trail really stands out.

Art & Seek Jr. Scary and Not-At-All Scary Fun, 2012